Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eye Candy

I used to prance around my house with a big ol' strawberry candy ring on my finger.   I'd turn my hand this way and that way, stare at myself, and admire my sugary faux diamond in the mirror. All while dancing to Madonna.  So it's not really surprising that I was instantly drawn to these sweet ring photos:

{image via; Photography via SMS Photography}


  1. I love these pictures, especially the first one! They’re so fun and sweet.

  2. The conversation heart is fabulous!

  3. These are great. Whoever took them should have entered them into the Southern Weddings Magazine competition, which I believe it just ended this week! The winner was a picute of a gorgeous ring in cotton candy!!

  4. These are great! Whoever took them should have entered them in the Southern Weddings Mag competition which just ended this week. The winning photo was a picture of a ring inside cotton candy! Too cute!
